- Up to 2GSa/s Sample Rate
- 2000 waveforms per second update rate
- 200MHz with USB Host and Device, LXi compatibility
- Bright and vivid TFT LCD display
- Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope and Alternate Triggers
The Rigol DS1204B is a high quality four channel digital storage oscilloscope. It offers a real-time sample rate of up to 2 GSa/s and a bandwidth of up to 200 MHz. 16K of memory, update rates of up to 2000 waveforms per second with other features like LXi compatibility, Quick Measure and Quick Print buttons, advanced triggering including logic triggering across all four channels and the external trigger.
It not only has compact design and a 64K TFT color LCD, but also powerful functions: 7 trigger modes, adjustable trigger sensitivity, USB Host to support USB flash memory and USB printer, and other traditional functions of RIGOL oscilloscopes. The quality of the Rigol Oscilloscopes is comparable to Agilent and Tektronix oscilloscopes.
Special Features:
Automatically and Cursor Measure
This oscilloscope series provides 20 types of wave parameters for automatically measuring, which contains 10 Voltage and 10 Time parameters. In cursor mode, users can easily measure by moving cursor. Besides, 3 types of cursor measurement are optional: Manual, Track and Auto.
Adjustable Trigger Sensitivity
With the Rigol oscilloscopes you have the ability to filter noise from the signal avoids false triggers.
Alternate Trigger
Provides a true dual timebase display.
Slope Trigger
Triggers on the signals rise time or fall time is user defined.
Rising and Falling Edge Trigger
Mainly used to view eye-diagrams normally only available in more advanced DSO's.
Pass / Fail Test
The Pass/Fail function monitors the changes of signals by comparing whether the input signal is within the pre-defined mask. The testing results not only can be displayed on screen or output by isolated pass/fail port, but also can be alarmed according to turn on system sound.
FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation)
The FFT function provides spectrum analysis function for users. Supported FFT windows: Rectangle, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman.
File System and USB Stick Support
The device supports an easy-to-use file system. It allows for both USB flash drive and local file storage.
Rigol Technologies is the 2nd leading DSO manufacturer in terms of units; in 2007 Rigol produced and sold over 30,000 DSO's
General Data | DSO Rigol DS1204B |
Display | 5.7" TFT LCD with 65536 colors |
Resolution | 320 × 234 Pixel |
Size | 303 mm × 154 mm × 133 mm |
Weight | 3 kg (6.61 lbs) |
Oscilloscope Details | DSO Rigol DS1204B |
Channels | 4 |
Real-time sample rate | 2 GSa/s real time |
Waveform Capture Rate | 400 wfms/s |
Bandwidth | 200 MHz |
Sampling mode | Normal, average (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256), peak detect |
Mathematics | A+B, A-B, A×B, FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) |
FFT windows | Rectangle, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman |
Signal | DSO Rigol DS1204B |
Max. Input voltage | 300 Vrms CAT I |
Real-time sample rate | 13 Sa/s to 1 GSa/s real time |
Time base | 1 ns/Div. to 50 s/Div. (Steps 1 - 2 - 5) |
Memory | 16 kpts (2 channels) 8 kpts (4 channels) |
Vertical | DSO Rigol DS1204B |
Analog digital converter (A/D) | With the resolution of 8 bits, make sampling on both channels synchronously. |
Sensitivity range (V/div) | 2 mV/Div to 10 V/Div. |
Displacement range | ±10 Div. (2 mV - 10 V) |
Trigger | DSO Rigol DS1204B |
Trigger | Channel 1/2/3/4, Ext, Ext / 5, AC Line |
Signal system and line/field frequency (Video triggering mode) | Support the NTSC, PAL and SECAM broadcasting systems of any field or line frequency. |
Measurement | DSO Rigol DS1204B |
Cursor measurement | Manual, Track and Auto Measure modes |
Auto measurement | Vpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vavg, Vrms, Overshoot, Preshoot, Freq, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Width, -Width, +Duty, -Duty, Delay1-2 (rise), Delay1-2(fall) |