DSA Utility KitDSA Utility Kit is the utility kit of the RIGOL spectrum analyzer. N-SMA Adapter (AD-N-SMA): Female N Connector to Female SMA Connector. 75O-50O Adapter (AD-75-50OHM): Used to connect the measured system and the spectrum analyzer when the output impedance of the measured system is 75O. BNC-BNC Cable (CB-BNC-100-L): Black coaxial cable one of whose terminals is female BNC connector and the other is male BNC connector. N-BNC Adapter (AD-N-BNC): Male N Connector to Female BNC Connector. N-SMA Cable (CB-N-SMA-125_L): One of its terminals is female N connector and the other is male SMA connector. Antenna (AD-ANT-900-F): 2 antennas, with 900MHz/1.8GHz frequency. Antenna (AD-ANT-2400-F): 2 antennas, with 2.4GHz frequency. Foam Membrane: 99*54mm. Bag: 300*190*37mm.